Source code for pympress.editable_label

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#       Copyright 2017 Cimbali <>
#       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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#       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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:mod:`pympress.editable_label` -- A label that can be swapped out for an editable entry

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GLib, Gio

[docs] class EditableLabel(object): """ A label that can switch between simply displaying a value, and allowing user input to edit this value. """ #: :class:`~Gtk.EventBox` around the label, used to sense clicks event_box = None #: `bool` tracking whether we are currently editing the label. editing = False
[docs] def on_label_event(self, widget_or_action, event=None): """ Manage events on the current slide label/entry. This function triggers replacing the label with an entry when clicked or otherwise toggled. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`): the widget in which the event occurred event (:class:`~Gtk.Event` or None): the event that occurred, None if tf we called from a menu item Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ hint = None if issubclass(type(widget_or_action), Gio.Action): hint = widget_or_action.get_name() elif event is not None and event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS: # If we clicked on the Event Box then don't toggle, just enable. if widget_or_action is not self.event_box or self.editing: return False else: return False # Perform the state toggle if not self.editing: self.swap_label_for_entry(hint) else: self.validate() return True
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validate the input to the label. Needs to be reimplemented by children classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Cancel editing the label. Needs to be reimplemented by children classes. """ pass
[docs] def on_keypress(self, widget, event): """ Manage key presses for the editable label. Needs to be reimplemented by children classes. If we are editing the label, intercept some key presses (to validate or cancel editing or other specific behaviour), otherwise pass the key presses on to the button for normal behaviour. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`): the widget which has received the event. event (:class:`~Gdk.Event`): the GTK event. name (`str`): the name of the key stroke command (`str`): the name of the command in case this function is called by on_key_input Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def try_cancel(self): """ Cancel editing the label, if it is being edited. Returns: `bool`: `True` if editing got cancelled, `False` if the label was not being edited. """ if not self.editing: return False self.cancel() self.restore_label() return True
[docs] def try_validate(self): """ Validate the page choice, if the page label is being edited. Returns: `bool`: `True` if editing got validated, `False` if the label was not being edited. """ if not self.editing: return False self.validate() self.restore_label() return True
[docs] def swap_label_for_entry(self): """ Perform the actual work of starting the editing. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def restore_label(self): """ Make sure that the editable label is not in entry mode. If it is an entry, then replace it with the label. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def start_editing(self): """ Start the editing of the label if it is disabled. """ if not self.editing: self.swap_label_for_entry()
[docs] def stop_editing(self): """ Disable the editing of the label if it was enabled. """ if self.editing: self.restore_label()
[docs] class PageNumber(EditableLabel): """ A label that displays "current page / max page", that can be edited to select a page to which to go. Args: builder (:class:`~pympress.builder.Builder`): A builder from which to load widgets """ #: Slide counter :class:`~Gtk.Label` for the current slide. label_cur = None #: Slide counter :class:`~Gtk.Label` for the last slide. label_last = None #: :class:`~Gtk.EventBox` associated with the slide counter label in the Presenter window. eb_cur = None #: :class:`~Gtk.HBox` containing the slide counter label in the Presenter window. hb_cur = None #: :class:`~Gtk.SpinButton` used to switch to another slide by typing its number. spin_cur = None #: :class:`~Gtk.Entry` used to switch to another slide by typing its label. edit_label = None #: :class:`~Gtk.Label` separating `~spin_cur` and `~edit_label` label_sep = None #: `int` holding the maximum page number in the document max_page_number = 1 #: `bool` holding whether we display or ignore page labels page_labels = True #: `bool` whether to scroll with the pages (True) or with the page numbers (False) invert_scroll = True #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.document.Document.goto` goto_page = lambda *args: None #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.document.Document.lookup_label` find_label = lambda *args: None #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.document.Document.label_after` label_before = lambda *args: None #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.document.Document.label_before` label_after = lambda *args: None #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.ui.UI.do_page_change` page_change = lambda *args: None def __init__(self, builder, page_num_scroll): super(PageNumber, self).__init__() # The spinner's scroll is with page numbers, invert to scroll with pages self.invert_scroll = not page_num_scroll builder.load_widgets(self) builder.setup_actions({ 'goto-page': dict(activate=self.on_label_event), 'jumpto-label': dict(activate=self.on_label_event), 'cancel-page-number': dict(activate=self.cancel), }) self.goto_page = builder.get_callback_handler('goto_page') self.page_change = builder.get_callback_handler('do_page_change') self.setup_doc_callbacks(builder.doc) # Initially (from XML) both the spinner and the current page label are visible. self.hb_cur.remove(self.spin_cur) self.hb_cur.remove(self.edit_label) self.hb_cur.remove(self.label_sep) self.event_box = self.eb_cur
[docs] def setup_doc_callbacks(self, doc): """ Callbacks that need to be setup again at every new document Args: doc (:class:`~pympress.document.Document`): The new document that got loaded """ self.find_label = doc.lookup_label self.label_after = doc.label_after self.label_before = doc.label_before
[docs] def set_last(self, num_pages): """ Set the max number of pages, both on display and as the range of values for the spinner. Args: num_pages (`int`): The maximum page number """ self.max_page_number = num_pages self.label_last.set_text(('/{})' if self.page_labels else '/{}').format(num_pages)) self.spin_cur.set_range(1, num_pages) self.spin_cur.set_max_length(len(str(num_pages)) + 1)
[docs] def enable_labels(self, enable): """ Allow one to use or ignore labels. Args: enable (`bool`): Whether to enable labels """ self.page_labels = enable self.label_last.set_text(('/{})' if enable else '/{}').format(self.max_page_number))
[docs] def changed_page_label(self, *args): """ Get the page number from the spinner and go to that page. """ if not self.page_labels or not self.edit_label.is_focus() or not self.edit_label.get_text(): return page_nb = self.find_label(self.edit_label.get_text(), prefix_unique = True) if not page_nb: return # use the spinner's mechanism self.spin_cur.set_value(page_nb + 1)
[docs] def validate(self): """ Get the page number from the spinner and go to that page. """ page_nb = None if self.page_labels and self.edit_label.is_focus(): page_nb = self.find_label(self.edit_label.get_text(), prefix_unique = False) if page_nb is None: page_nb = int(self.spin_cur.get_value() - 1) if page_nb is not None: self.restore_label() self.goto_page(page_nb) else: self.cancel()
[docs] def cancel(self, gaction=None, param=None): """ Make the UI re-display the pages from before editing the current page. """ self.restore_label() GLib.idle_add(self.page_change, unpause=False)
[docs] def on_keypress(self, widget, event): """ Implement directions (left/right/home/end) keystrokes. Otherwise pass on to :func:`~Gtk.SpinButton.do_key_press_event()`. """ if self.page_labels and self.edit_label.is_focus(): return Gtk.Entry.do_key_press_event(self.edit_label, event) else: return Gtk.SpinButton.do_key_press_event(self.spin_cur, event)
[docs] def on_scroll(self, widget, event): """ Scroll event. Pass it on to the spin button if we're currently editing the page number. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`): the widget which has received the event. event (:class:`~Gdk.Event`): the GTK event. Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ if not self.editing: return False else: # flip scroll direction to get scroll down advancing slides if self.invert_scroll and event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN: event.direction = Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP elif self.invert_scroll and event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP: event.direction = Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN # Manually get destination slide if we're editing labels if self.edit_label.is_focus(): cur_page = int(self.spin_cur.get_value()) - 1 if event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN: self.spin_cur.set_value(1 + self.label_before(cur_page)) elif event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP: self.spin_cur.set_value(1 + self.label_after(cur_page)) # Otherwise let the spinner do its job else: return Gtk.SpinButton.do_scroll_event(self.spin_cur, event)
[docs] def swap_label_for_entry(self, hint=None): """ Perform the actual work of starting the editing. """ Gio.Application.get_default().activate_action('cancel-talk-time') label, sep, cur = self.label_cur.get_text().rpartition('(') # Replace label with entry self.hb_cur.pack_start(self.spin_cur, True, True, 0) self.hb_cur.reorder_child(self.spin_cur, 1) if self.page_labels: self.hb_cur.pack_start(self.edit_label, True, True, 0) self.hb_cur.reorder_child(self.edit_label, 0) self.edit_label.set_text(label.strip()) self.hb_cur.pack_start(self.label_sep, True, True, 0) self.hb_cur.reorder_child(self.label_sep, 1) self.label_sep.set_text(' (') self.hb_cur.set_homogeneous(False) self.hb_cur.remove(self.label_cur) try: cur_nb = int(cur.strip()) except ValueError: cur_nb = -1 self.spin_cur.set_value(cur_nb) if self.page_labels and (hint == 'jumpto-label' or hint == 'nav_jump'): self.edit_label.grab_focus() self.edit_label.select_region(0, -1) else: self.spin_cur.grab_focus() self.spin_cur.select_region(0, -1) self.editing = True
[docs] def restore_label(self): """ Make sure that the current page number is displayed in a label and not in an entry. If it is an entry, then replace it with the label. """ if self.spin_cur in self.hb_cur: if self.page_labels: self.hb_cur.set_homogeneous(True) self.hb_cur.remove(self.edit_label) self.hb_cur.remove(self.label_sep) self.hb_cur.remove(self.spin_cur) self.hb_cur.pack_start(self.label_cur, True, True, 0) self.hb_cur.reorder_child(self.label_cur, 0) self.editing = False
[docs] def update_page_numbers(self, cur_nb, label): """ Update the displayed page numbers. Args: cur_nb (`int`): The current page number, in documentation numbering (range [0..max - 1]) label (`str`): The current page label """ cur = str(cur_nb + 1) if self.page_labels: self.label_cur.set_text('{} ({}'.format(str(label), cur)) else: self.label_cur.set_text(cur) if self.editing: if not self.edit_label.is_focus(): self.edit_label.set_text(str(label)) self.spin_cur.set_value(cur_nb + 1)
[docs] class EstimatedTalkTime(EditableLabel): """ A label that displays the time elapsed since the start of the talk, that can be edited to select talk duration. The duration of the talk will cause the label to blink and change colour as the elapsed time gets closer to the targeted talk duration. Args: builder (builder.Builder): The builder from which to load widgets. """ #: Elapsed time :class:`~Gtk.Label`. label_time = None #: Estimated talk time :class:`~Gtk.Label` for the talk. label_ett = None #: :class:`~Gtk.EventBox` associated with the estimated talk time. eb_ett = None #: Estimated talk time, `int` in seconds. est_time = 0 #: :class:`~Gtk.Entry` used to set the estimated talk time. entry_ett = None #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.editable_label.PageNumber.stop_editing` stop_editing_page_number = lambda *args: None def __init__(self, builder): super(EstimatedTalkTime, self).__init__() self.entry_ett = Gtk.Entry() builder.load_widgets(self) builder.setup_actions({ 'edit-talk-time': dict(activate=self.on_label_event), 'set-talk-time': dict(activate=self.set_time, parameter_type=int), 'cancel-talk-time': dict(activate=self.restore_label), }) self.event_box = self.eb_ett
[docs] def validate(self): """ Update estimated talk time from the input. """ text = self.entry_ett.get_text() t = ["0" + n.strip() for n in text.split(':')] try: m = int(t[0]) s = int(t[1]) except ValueError: logger.error(_("Invalid time (mm or mm:ss expected), got \"{}\"").format(text)) return except IndexError: s = 0 self.set_time(None, GLib.Variant.new_int64(m * 60 + s))
[docs] def set_time(self, gaction, param): """ Set the talk time. Args: gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): The time in seconds, as an int64 variant """ time = param.get_int64() self.est_time = time self.label_ett.set_text("{:02}:{:02}".format(*divmod(self.est_time, 60)))
[docs] def on_keypress(self, widget, event): """ Pass on keystrokes to :func:`~Gtk.Entry.do_key_press_event()`. """ return Gtk.Entry.do_key_press_event(self.entry_ett, event)
[docs] def swap_label_for_entry(self, *args): """ Perform the actual work of starting the editing. """ Gio.Application.get_default().activate_action('cancel-page-number') # Set entry text self.entry_ett.set_text("{:02}:{:02}".format(*divmod(self.est_time, 60))) self.entry_ett.select_region(0, -1) # Replace label with entry self.eb_ett.remove(self.label_ett) self.eb_ett.add(self.entry_ett) self.entry_ett.grab_focus() self.editing = True
[docs] def restore_label(self, gaction=None, param=None): """ Make sure that the current page number is displayed in a label and not in an entry. If it is an entry, then replace it with the label. """ child = self.eb_ett.get_child() if child is not self.label_ett: self.eb_ett.remove(child) self.eb_ett.add(self.label_ett) self.editing = False