Source code for pympress.extras

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#       Copyright 2017 Cimbali <>
#       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#       (at your option) any later version.
#       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#       GNU General Public License for more details.
#       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#       along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#       Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#       MA 02110-1301, USA.
:mod:`pympress.extras` -- Manages the display of fancy extras such as annotations, videos and cursors

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import pathlib
import mimetypes
import functools
from urllib.request import url2pathname

import gi
import cairo
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GLib, Gio

from pympress import document, builder, util

[docs] class Annotations(object): """ Widget displaying a PDF’s text annotations. """ #: The containing :class:`~Gtk.TreeView` widget for the annotations annotations_treeview = None #: The containing :class:`~Gtk.ListStore` storing the annotations to be displayed annotations_liststore = None #: The :class:`~Gtk.TreeViewColumn` where the text is rendered annotation_column = None #: The :class:`~Gtk.CellRendererText` defining how text is rendered annotation_renderer = None #: The :class:`~Gtk.Entry` in which we are currently editing an annotation, or None editing = None new_doc_annotation = lambda *args: None set_doc_annotation = lambda *args: None remove_doc_annotation = lambda *args: None def __init__(self, builder): super(Annotations, self).__init__() builder.load_widgets(self) builder.setup_actions({ 'add-annotation': dict(activate=self.add_annotation), 'remove-annotation': dict(activate=self.remove_annotation), })
[docs] def load_annotations(self, annot_page): """ Add annotations to be displayed (typically on going to a new slide). Args: annot_page (:class:`~pympress.document.Page`): The page object that contains the annotations """ self.annotations_liststore.clear() for num, annot in enumerate(annot_page.get_annotations()): self.annotations_liststore.append([annot.get_contents(), num]) self.new_doc_annotation = annot_page.new_annotation self.set_doc_annotation = annot_page.set_annotation self.remove_doc_annotation = annot_page.remove_annotation
[docs] def try_cancel(self): """ Try to cancel editing Returns: `bool`: whether editing was enabled and thus canceled """ if self.editing is None: return False rows = self.annotations_treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] if rows: self.annotations_treeview.set_cursor(rows[0], None, False) return True
[docs] def rewrap_annotations(self): """ Update the wrap-width of the annotation column to fit its actual width """ width = self.annotations_treeview.get_allocated_width() self.annotation_renderer.set_property('wrap-width', width - 4) self.annotation_column.queue_resize()
[docs] def key_event(self, widget, event): """ Handle a key (press/release) event. Needed to forward events directly to the :class:`~Gtk.Entry`, bypassing the global action accelerators. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`): the widget which has received the event. event (:class:`~Gdk.Event`): the GTK event. Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ if self.editing is None: return False elif event.get_event_type() == Gdk.EventType.KEY_PRESS: return self.editing.do_key_press_event(self.editing, event) elif event.get_event_type() == Gdk.EventType.KEY_RELEASE: return self.editing.do_key_release_event(self.editing, event) return False
[docs] def editing_started(self, cell_renderer, widget, entry_number): """ Handle edit start Args: cell_renderer (:class:`~Gtk.CellRenderer`): The renderer which received the signal widget (:class:`~Gtk.CellEditable`): the Gtk entry editing the annotation entry entry_number (`str`): the string representation of the path identifying the edited cell """ self.editing = widget
[docs] def editing_validated(self, cell_renderer, entry_number, new_content): """ Handle successful edit: store the new cell value in the model and the document Args: cell_renderer (:class:`~Gtk.CellRenderer`): The renderer which received the signal entry_number (`str`): the string representation of the path identifying the edited cell new_content (`str`): the new value of the edited cell """ path = Gtk.TreePath.new_from_string(entry_number) row = self.annotations_liststore.get_iter(path) self.annotations_liststore.set_value(row, 0, new_content) self.set_doc_annotation(path.get_indices()[0], new_content) self.editing_finished(cell_renderer)
[docs] def editing_finished(self, cell_renderer): """ Handle the end of editing Args: cell_renderer (:class:`~Gtk.CellRenderer`): The renderer which received the signal """ self.editing = None
[docs] def add_annotation(self, gaction, param=None): """ Add an annotation to the the page’s annotation list Args: gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call, which identifies which backend param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): an optional parameter """ path = self.annotations_liststore.get_path(self.annotations_liststore.append()) self.annotations_treeview.set_cursor(path, self.annotations_treeview.get_columns()[0], True) self.new_doc_annotation(path.get_indices()[0]) return True
[docs] def remove_annotation(self, gaction, param=None): """ Remove an annotation to the from the page’s annotation list Args: gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call, which identifies which backend param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): an optional parameter """ rows = self.annotations_treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] if not rows: return False self.annotations_liststore.remove(self.annotations_liststore.get_iter(rows[0])) self.remove_doc_annotation(rows[0].get_indices()[0]) return True
[docs] class Media(object): """ Class managing statically the medias and media player backends, to enable play/pause callbacks. Args: builder (:class:`~pympress.builder.Builder`): A builder from which to load widgets conf (:class:`~pympress.config.Config`): An object containing the preferences """ #: `dict` of :class:`~pympress.media_overlays.base.VideoOverlay` ready to be added on top of the slides _media_overlays = {} #: :class:`~Gtk.Overlay` for the Content window. c_overlay = None #: :class:`~Gtk.Overlay` for the Presenter window. p_overlay = None #: `dict` with the backend modules that were correctly loaded, mapping backend identifiers (`str`) #: to :class:`~pympress.media_overlays.base.VideoOverlay` sub-classes _backends = {} #: `dict` containing backends and their mappings to mime type lists for which they are enabled. #: A default backend is marked by an empty list. types_list = {} def __init__(self, builder, conf): super(Media, self).__init__() self.conf = conf self._setup_backends() builder.load_widgets(self) builder.setup_actions({ 'use-{}-backend'.format(backend): { 'activate': self.toggle, 'state': backend in self.types_list, 'enabled': backend in self._backends, } for backend in self._backends }) self.c_overlay.queue_draw() self.p_overlay.queue_draw()
[docs] def toggle(self, gaction, param=None): """ Toggle a backend (if it was loaded correctly) Args: gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call, which identifies which backend param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): an optional parameter """ backend = gaction.get_name().split('-')[1] if backend not in self._backends: return ValueError('Unexpected backend') enable = backend not in self.types_list if enable: self.types_list[backend] = self.conf.getlist(backend, 'mime_types') else: del self.types_list[backend] gaction.change_state(GLib.Variant.new_boolean(enable)) self.conf.set(backend, 'enabled', 'on' if enable else 'off')
[docs] def remove_media_overlays(self): """ Remove current media overlays. """ for media_id in self._media_overlays: self.hide(media_id)
[docs] def purge_media_overlays(self): """ Remove current media overlays. """ self.remove_media_overlays() self._media_overlays.clear()
[docs] def replace_media_overlays(self, current_page, page_type): """ Remove current media overlays, add new ones if page contains media. Args: current_page (:class:`~pympress.document.Page`): The page for which to prepare medias page_type (:class:`~pympress.document.PdfPage`): The part of the page to consider """ if page_type == document.PdfPage.NONE: return self.remove_media_overlays() for media in current_page.get_media(): media_id = hash(media) if media_id not in self._media_overlays: mime_type, enc = mimetypes.guess_type(media.filename) factory = self.get_factory(mime_type) if not factory: logger.warning('No available overlay for mime type {}, ignoring media {}' .format(mime_type, media.filename)) continue action_group = builder.Builder.setup_actions({ 'play': dict(activate=functools.partial(, media_id)), 'stop': dict(activate=functools.partial(self.hide, media_id)), 'pause': dict(activate=functools.partial(self.play_pause, media_id)), 'set_time': dict(activate=functools.partial(self.set_time, media_id), parameter_type=float) }, action_group) v_da_c = factory(self.c_overlay, page_type, action_group, media) v_da_p = factory(self.p_overlay, page_type, action_group, media._replace(show_controls=True)) self._media_overlays[media_id] = (v_da_c, v_da_p) self._media_overlays[media_id][0].mute(True) self._media_overlays[media_id][1].mute(False) if any(overlay.autoplay for overlay in self._media_overlays[media_id]): GLib.idle_add(, media_id)
# TODO: handle poster
[docs] def resize(self, which=None): """ Resize all media overlays that are a child of an overlay. """ needs_resizing = (which == 'content', which == 'presenter') if which is not None else (True, True) for media_id in self._media_overlays: for widget in (w for w, r in zip(self._media_overlays[media_id], needs_resizing) if r and w.is_shown()): widget.resize()
[docs] def adjust_margins_for_mode(self, page_type): """ Adjust the relative margins of child widgets for notes mode update. Args: page_type (:class:`~pympress.document.PdfPage`): The part of the page to display """ for media_id in self._media_overlays: for widget in self._media_overlays[media_id]: widget.update_margins_for_page(page_type)
[docs] def play(self, media_id, gaction=None, param=None): """ Starts playing a media. Used as a callback. Args: media_id (`int`): A unique identifier of the media to start playing gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): the parameter as a variant, or None """ if media_id in self._media_overlays: c, p = self._media_overlays[media_id] GLib.idle_add(lambda: any(p.do_play() for p in self._media_overlays[media_id]))
[docs] def hide(self, media_id, gaction=None, param=None): """ Stops playing a media and hides the player. Used as a callback. Args: media_id (`int`): A unique identifier of the media to start playing gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): the parameter as a variant, or None """ if media_id in self._media_overlays: c, p = self._media_overlays[media_id] if c.is_shown(): GLib.idle_add(c.do_hide) if p.is_shown(): GLib.idle_add(p.do_hide)
[docs] def hide_all(self): """ Stops all playing medias and hides the players. Used before exit. """ for c, p in self._media_overlays.values(): if c.is_shown(): GLib.idle_add(c.do_hide) if p.is_shown(): GLib.idle_add(p.do_hide)
[docs] def play_pause(self, media_id, gaction=None, param=None): """ Toggles playing and pausing a media. Used as a callback. Args: media_id (`int`): A unique idientifier of the media to start playing gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): the parameter as a variant, or None """ GLib.idle_add(lambda: any(p.do_play_pause() for p in self._media_overlays[media_id]))
[docs] def set_time(self, media_id, gaction=None, param=None): """ Set the player of a given media at time t. Used as a callback. Args: media_id (`int`): A unique idientifier of the media to start playing gaction (:class:`~Gio.Action`): the action triggering the call param (:class:`~GLib.Variant`): A wrapped float containing the time to which we have to go. """ t = param.get_double() GLib.idle_add(lambda: any(p.do_set_time(t) for p in self._media_overlays[media_id]))
def _setup_backends(self): """ Load the backends for video overlays. """ try: from pympress.media_overlays.gif_backend import GifOverlay gif_version = GifOverlay.setup_backend() self._backends['gif'] = GifOverlay self.types_list['gif'] = ['image/gif', 'image/svg+xml'] except Exception as e: gif_version = 'GdkPixbuf not available' logger.error(_('Media support using {} is disabled.').format('GdkPixbuf'))'Caused by ') + type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e)) if not self.conf.getboolean('gstreamer', 'enabled'): gst_version = 'GStreamer disabled' else: try: from pympress.media_overlays.gst_backend import GstOverlay gst_version = GstOverlay.setup_backend(self.conf.getlist('gstreamer', 'init_options')) except Exception as e: gst_version = 'GStreamer not available' logger.debug(_('Media support using {} is disabled.').format('GStreamer')) logger.debug(_('Caused by ') + type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e)) else: self._backends['gstreamer'] = GstOverlay self.types_list['gstreamer'] = self.conf.getlist('gstreamer', 'mime_types') if not self.conf.getboolean('vlc', 'enabled'): vlc_version = 'VLC disabled' else: try: from pympress.media_overlays.vlc_backend import VlcOverlay vlc_version = VlcOverlay.setup_backend(self.conf.getlist('vlc', 'init_options')) except Exception as e: vlc_version = 'VLC not available' logger.debug(_('Media support using {} is disabled.').format('VLC')) logger.debug(_('Caused by ') + type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e)) else: self._backends['vlc'] = VlcOverlay self.types_list['vlc'] = self.conf.getlist('vlc', 'mime_types') self.backend_version = ', '.join([gif_version, gst_version, vlc_version])'Media support: ') + self.backend_version)
[docs] def get_factory(self, mime_type): """ Returns a class of type :attr:`~_backend`. """ # Search for specific mime type, if no matches fall back to empty lists which mean any mime types options = [backend for backend, mime_types in self.types_list.items() if mime_type in mime_types] if not options: options = [backend for backend, mime_types in self.types_list.items() if len(mime_types) == 0] if not options: return None # Prefer more stable backends with less external dependencies priority = ['gif', 'vlc', 'gstreamer'] if util.IS_WINDOWS else ['gif', 'gstreamer', 'vlc'] return self._backends[sorted(options, key=priority.index)[0]]
[docs] class Cursor(object): """ Class managing cursors statically for displays, so we can select the mouse cursor with a simple string. """ #: a static `dict` of :class:`~Gdk.Cursor`s, ready to use _cursors = { 'parent': None, } @classmethod def _populate_cursors(cls): cls._cursors.update({ 'default': Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR), 'pointer': Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), Gdk.CursorType.HAND1), 'crosshair': Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), Gdk.CursorType.CROSSHAIR), 'invisible': Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), Gdk.CursorType.BLANK_CURSOR), })
[docs] @classmethod def set_cursor(cls, widget, cursor_name = 'parent'): """ Set the cursor named cursor_name'. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`): The widget triggering the cursor change, used to retrieve a Gdk.Window cursor_name (`str`): Name of the cursor to be set """ try: cursor = cls._cursors[cursor_name] except KeyError: cls._populate_cursors() cursor = cls._cursors[cursor_name] window = widget.get_window() if window is not None: window.set_cursor(cursor)
[docs] class Zoom(object): """ Manage the zoom level (using a cairo matrix), draw area that will be zoomed while it is being selected. Args: builder (:class:`~pympress.builder.Builder`): A builder from which to load widgets """ #: Whether we are displaying the interface to scribble on screen and the overlays containing said scribbles zoom_selecting = False zoom_points = None scale = 1. shift = (0, 0) #: :class:`~Gtk.Box` in the Presenter window, used to reliably set cursors. p_central = None #: callback, to be connected to :meth:`` set_action_enabled = None #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.ui.UI.redraw_current_slide` redraw_current_slide = lambda *args: None #: callback, to be connected to :func:`~pympress.ui.UI.clear_cache` clear_cache = lambda *args: None def __init__(self, builder): super(Zoom, self).__init__() builder.load_widgets(self) self.redraw_current_slide = builder.get_callback_handler('redraw_current_slide') self.clear_cache = builder.get_callback_handler('clear_zoom_cache') self.set_action_enabled = builder.get_callback_handler('app.set_action_enabled') builder.setup_actions({ 'zoom': dict(activate=self.start_zooming), 'unzoom': dict(activate=self.stop_zooming), })
[docs] def start_zooming(self, *args): """ Setup for the user to select the zooming area. Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ self.zoom_selecting = True Cursor.set_cursor(self.p_central, 'crosshair') return True
[docs] def stop_zooming(self, *args): """ Cancel the zooming, reset the zoom level to full page. Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ Cursor.set_cursor(self.p_central) self.zoom_selecting = False self.zoom_points = None self.scale = 1. self.shift = (0, 0) self.set_action_enabled('unzoom', False) self.redraw_current_slide() self.clear_cache() return True
[docs] def try_cancel(self): """ Cancel the zoom selection, if it was enabled. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the zoom was cancelled, `False` if a zoom selection was not in progress. """ if not self.zoom_selecting: return False Cursor.set_cursor(self.p_central) self.zoom_selecting = False self.zoom_points = None return True
[docs] def get_slide_point(self, widget, event): """ Gets the point on the slide on a scale (0..1, 0..1), from its position in the widget. """ ww, wh = widget.get_allocated_width(), widget.get_allocated_height() ex, ey = event.get_coords() return ((ex / ww - self.shift[0]) / self.scale, (ey / wh - self.shift[1]) / self.scale)
[docs] def get_matrix(self, ww, wh): """ Returns the :class:`~cairo.Matrix` used to perform the zoom for the widget of size ww x wh. Args: ww (`float`): widget width wh (`float`): widget height Returns: :class:`~cairo.Matrix`: the zoom transformation matrix """ return cairo.Matrix(xx = self.scale, x0 = ww * self.shift[0], yy = self.scale, y0 = wh * self.shift[1])
[docs] def track_zoom_target(self, widget, event): """ Draw the zoom's target rectangle. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`): the widget which has received the event. event (:class:`~Gdk.Event`): the GTK event. Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ if self.zoom_selecting and self.zoom_points: self.zoom_points[1] = self.get_slide_point(widget, event) self.redraw_current_slide() return True return False
[docs] def toggle_zoom_target(self, widget, event): """ Start/stop drawing the zoom's target rectangle. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`): the widget which has received the event. event (:class:`~Gdk.Event`): the GTK event. Returns: `bool`: whether the event was consumed """ if not self.zoom_selecting: return False if event.get_event_type() == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS: p = self.get_slide_point(widget, event) self.zoom_points = [p, p] return self.track_zoom_target(widget, event) elif event.get_event_type() == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE and self.zoom_points: self.zoom_points[1] = self.get_slide_point(widget, event) xmin, xmax = sorted(p[0] for p in self.zoom_points) ymin, ymax = sorted(p[1] for p in self.zoom_points) self.zoom_points = None try: # zoom by dimension less zoomed, to fit box while maintaining aspect ratio self.scale = 1. / max(ymax - ymin, xmax - xmin) # make center of drawn rectangle the center of the zoomed slide self.shift = (.5 - self.scale * (xmin + xmax) / 2, .5 - self.scale * (ymin + ymax) / 2) except ZeroDivisionError: self.scale = 1. self.shift = (0, 0) # stop drawing rectangles and reset cursor (NB don't use window, this bugs) Cursor.set_cursor(self.p_central) self.zoom_selecting = False self.clear_cache() self.redraw_current_slide() self.set_action_enabled('unzoom', True) return True return False
[docs] def draw_zoom_target(self, widget, cairo_context): """ Perform the drawings by user. Args: widget (:class:`~Gtk.DrawingArea`): The widget where to draw the scribbles. cairo_context (:class:`~cairo.Context`): The canvas on which to render the drawings """ ww, wh = widget.get_allocated_width(), widget.get_allocated_height() if self.zoom_selecting and self.zoom_points: xmin, xmax = sorted(p[0] * ww for p in self.zoom_points) ymin, ymax = sorted(p[1] * wh for p in self.zoom_points) rect = Gdk.Rectangle() rect.x = xmin rect.width = xmax - xmin rect.y = ymin rect.height = ymax - ymin cairo_context.set_line_width(3) cairo_context.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE) Gdk.cairo_rectangle(cairo_context, rect) cairo_context.set_source_rgba(.1, .1, 1, .4) cairo_context.stroke() Gdk.cairo_rectangle(cairo_context, rect) cairo_context.set_source_rgba(.5, .5, 1, .2) cairo_context.fill()
[docs] def nop(*args, **kwargs): """ Do nothing """ pass
[docs] class FileWatcher(object): """ A class that wraps watchdog objects, to trigger callbacks when a file changes. """ #: A :class:`~watchdog.observers.Observer` to watch when the file changes observer = None #: A :class:`` to get notified when the file changes monitor = None # `int` that is a GLib timeout id to delay the callback timeout = 0 #: The :class:`~pathlib.Path` to the file being watched path = None #: Callback to be called on file changes, usually connected to :meth:`~pympress.ui.UI.reload_document` callback = lambda: None def __init__(self): try: from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler = Observer() self.monitor = FileSystemEventHandler() except ImportError: logger.error(_('Missing dependency: python "{}" package').format('watchdog'))'Monitoring of changes to reload files automatically is not available')) def __del__(self): """ On finalize, cancel the watchdog observer thread. """ self.stop_watching() if = None
[docs] def watch_file(self, uri, callback, *args, **kwargs): """ Watches a new file with a new callback. Removes any precedent watched files. If the optional watchdog dependency is missing, does nothing. Args: uri (`str`): URI of the file to watch callback (`function`): callback to call with all the further arguments when the file changes """ if is None: return self.stop_watching() scheme, path = uri.split('://', 1) self.path = pathlib.Path(url2pathname(path)) if scheme != 'file': logger.error('Impossible to watch files with {} schemes'.format(scheme), exc_info = True) return self.callback = lambda: callback(*args, **kwargs) self.monitor.on_modified = self._enqueue try:, str(self.path.parent), recursive=False) except OSError: logger.error('Impossible to open dir at {}'.format(str(self.path.parent)), exc_info = True)
[docs] def stop_watching(self): """ Remove all files that are being watched. """
def _enqueue(self, event): """ Call callback with delay, to avoid repeated calls in short periods of time. Args: event (:class:``): the event that caused the callback to be triggered """ if event.src_path != str(self.path): return if self.timeout: GLib.Source.remove(self.timeout) self.timeout = GLib.timeout_add(200, self._call) def _call(self): """ Call the callback. """ if self.timeout: self.timeout = 0 self.callback()